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Why Hire with Us

Cognitive research shows that we are most persuaded when information is presented in our dominant thinking style. With this in mind, we developed our proposal to hiring managers without using the typical tools of marketing. Instead, we present our response to "Why" through the lens of our model for cognition.

Whether your thinking style is planner, thinker, dreamer or feeler–or more accurately, a human mix of all of the above–then here's why we suggest you choose as a new hassle-free and fast-integrating source of quality candidates. And remember: We don't replace your existing systems or recruiters. We augment your existing pipeline.

Why are we different?

We are the only hiring marketplace focused on offering a more human and purpose-driven employment deal.

Does it cost more?

No! We deliver candidates for 20-30% lower cost than a typical outsourced staffing agency, while purpose-driven candidates are often open to lower salaries and alternative compensation plans.

How long to get started?

We deliver our first candidates within 5 business days for most role types, including software engineering, cyber security, data science, and project/program/product management. 

Reasons to add as a talent source, by thinking style:
Reasons to add as a talent source, by thinking style:
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